With the digital landscape always changing, it is vital to be mindful of the direction social media is heading. Each year comes with new marketing opportunities to leverage and 2021 has proven no different. Now that we are a few months in, the latest trends have become more clear and are, actually, far simpler to follow than you would expect. By applying just a few of the following tips, your business will see valuable growth on social media in no time.

1. Always Be Authentic

Before we get to some of the more technical factors, it is important for us to first bring up an element that goes far beyond the online space. It doesn’t matter how good your products are, if you don’t come across as authentic there are many potential customers that will avoid you completely. People appreciate honesty far more than the false perfection that some companies portray. If mistakes are made, own up to them. If you receive negative comments, address them rather than deleting them. Choosing an opposite approach will almost certainly backfire when you are inevitably caught out in the future.

2. The Validity of Videos

As one of the most engaging marketing methods, videos will no doubt continue to dominate in 2021. Regular posts are no longer the only updates that people wish to see as it is growing increasingly obvious that videos are the way to go. Choosing this type of content opens up a variety of avenues to take advantage of, allowing your business to display itself in an entirely fresh manner. Whether it is short form clips in the vein of TikTok or more expanded pieces often seen on YouTube, adopting videos is not a choice but rather a necessity. 

3. Leverage Live Streaming 

Building on the point above, live streaming is a specific form of video marketing that requires special attention. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in person interactions have decreased greatly. The rise of Zoom conferences has in turn resulted in the popularity of live streaming features on social media. Businesses have been able to leverage this by allowing customers to interact with them in the comfort of their homes.. Products are viewed safely and employees are able to chat with their audience in real time. Even with the onset of a vaccine, this trend is likely to continue far beyond 2021.

4. Social Commerce Is King

While e-commerce has been growing steadily for a while, 2020 saw online shopping expand beyond expectations. With safety and convenience being two of the biggest factors, many are avoiding stores and are choosing to make purchases with a click of their mouse. Thankfully, many social media channels are facilitating this through the implementation of their own digital storefronts. If you already have a following on Facebook, using their marketplace is a great place to start. 

5. The Creation of Communities

If one thing is true of human beings, it’s that we often crave a sense of belonging. Being connected to like minded individuals allows us to speak about shared interests and feel fulfilled in the process. This is often played out in online communities, where a variety of people congregate based on what they like. This is where your business comes in. Social media comment sections and groups are great places for customers to come together and engage in a meaningful way. The focus will often not be on your brand specifically but may be related in a way that allows for valuable marketing opportunities.

The Digital Revolution Continues…

The second half of 2021 will no doubt come with even more social media trends to pay attention to. Even as everything continues to evolve, the above tips will still be relevant and will allow for fresh paths for your company to take. Always at the forefront of the digital landscape, the iX blog will be here to keep you in the loop and well-informed. For further assistance with your social media marketing, please contact us today.